MEET Dr. Effrat Habsha

Introducing Dr. Effrat (Effie) Habsha DDS, MSc
1. What about prosthodontic dentistry originally drew you in and what excites you about the field today?
"I was introduced to Prosthodontics early in my undergrad years and was struck by the impact of Prosthodontics on patients? quality of life. I met Professor Branemark when I worked as a summer student in the Department of Prosthodontics and conducted research on the early patient population treated with dental implants by Branemark at the University of Toronto. I learned firsthand from these patients the impact the care they received had on their quality of life and quickly realized how rewarding our profession is. The new technologies that are continuously emerging in dentistry today excites me. Adopting digital technology in all aspects of care, from treatment planning, implant surgery and prosthodontics is extremely gratifying and exciting."
2. Why did you become a member of the APS?
"I was introduced to the APS several years ago by Izchak Barzilay. I really enjoy the meetings as there is often an international flavor to them, showcasing talented clinicians from Europe, South America and beyond. Aside from the academic aspect of the meetings, I also greatly enjoy the camaraderie amongst the membership. There is a large contingent of the Eastman Alumni that attend the annual APS meeting and it is always wonderful meeting with friends and colleagues from all over the world."
3. Who has been your greatest mentor thus far in your career?
"One of my most influential mentors was Professor George Zarb. I worked in his department at the University of Toronto as a summer student between my first and 4th years in dental school. He was an exceptional educator and really ignited my passion for Prosthodontics. Another influential person in my career is APS member and President, Izchak Barzilay. He was my clinical instructor in both undergrad and graduate school and I joined his practice upon graduation. Izchak has taught me a great deal on both clinical aspects of dentistry as well as the business of dentistry."
4. What advice would you give to a new dental professional?
"I would say never stop learning and challenging yourself. There is so much to learn in our profession as it is ever evolving. So my advice is to surround yourself with people and things that inspire you. Join organizations like the APS that will keep you at the top of your game and continue to learn and embrace new technologies because remember, if you are not moving forward then, without a doubt, you are moving backwards."
5. What do you enjoy doing outside of work?
"I enjoy spending time with my wonderful family and friends?and when I can find the time, travelling! I am really passionate about empowering and mentoring young women and helping them reach their potential. I founded Women in Dentistry: Work. Life. Balance. A group that was created by women, for women and strives to educate, mentor and empower women in the field of dentistry."
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